+ What are the membership requirements?
The membership requirements are listed HERE. For any questions students can email ptk@bergen.edu or call 201-879-8997. Once inducted, members must maintain a 3.5 GPA or above to remain in good standing.
+ Is there a membership fee to join Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society?
Yes, there is a one-time membership fee of $80. Students who are unable to pay the membership fee should email ptk@bergen.edu or call 201-879-8997 to schedule an appointment with a chapter advisor.
+ What is the difference between Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and the JKW School of Honors?
The chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and the JKW School of Honors are two complimentary honors programs at Bergen Community College.
The JKW School of Honors is an academic program that offers Honors courses at BCC for students with a 3.4 GPA or higher.
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society incorporates honors programming with service and fellowship activities, while also providing its members with nearly $90 million in scholarship opportunities (see membership requirements).
All Phi Theta Kappa members at BCC are eligible to register for Honors courses.
+ Where can I purchase my Phi Theta Kappa regalia?
The regalia is available on the Phi Theta Kappa online store: http://store.ptk.org. Please note that you must be signed-in to be able to complete your purchase. A limited number of stoles are available to rent for graduation starting in mid-April. Please reach out to ptk@bergen.edu with any questions.
+ What is the best way to stay in touch with PTK?
The best way to hear about all of our service events, scholarship opportunities, workshops, fellowship activities, and more is to read our Weekly Email entitled Honors & PTK News, sent out each Monday during the academic year. If you are not subscribed, you can email ptk@bergen.edu and we will sign you up.
+ What type of leadership positions are available through Phi Theta Kappa?
Chapter Leadership Roles Phi Theta Kappa students can seek leadership opportunities at their local chapter by becoming Chapter Officers or Program Directors. The elections for officers’ positions are usually held during April and require a one year commitment.
Regional Leadership Roles The Alpha Epsilon Phi Chapter at Bergen Community College is part of the Middle States Region. Every year four students are elected as the Regional Officers for the Middle States Region during the Regional Convention. BCC students can run for the New Jersey Regional Officer position or the Regional President position.
International Leadership Roles Each year five students are elected to serve as international officers during the Society's Annual Convention. The International Officers include a President and four Vice Presidents, representing four geographic Divisions. Holding an International Office is considered the highest pinnacle of leadership within Phi Theta Kappa.
+ I work a full-time job while attending school, can I still participate in community service activities?
Since most community college student work, we do our best to schedule our community service activities at different hours to make it easier for our members to participate. We hold events during the day, in the evenings, and on weekends. For an updated list of events please check our weekly email and sign up by emailing ptk@bergen.edu!